The program was published online, see below with available presentations as PDF accompanying the presenter names where available.
A pdf version can be found here.
Conference Presenter: Helen Inga von Ernst, Ministry for Foreign Affairs
The poster session boasted several interesting and informative posted - click here to view poster session list as PDF and to view the posters (click the author's surname to view where available).
09:00 - 10:30 PM
PLENARY: Welcoming and Opening Addresses
Location: Norðurljós
Moderator: Ambassador Pétur Ásgeirsson, SAO Iceland
Opening address by Bjarni Benediktsson, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Iceland
Address by Ambassador Morten Höglund, SAO Chair, Norway
Address on the INC by Jyoti Mathur-Filipp, Executive Secretary of the INC Secretariat of UNEP
Keynote address by David Hik, Chief Scientist & Executive Director – Programs, Polar Knowledge Canada
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Address by John Aldag, Member of Parliament, Canada on the OSCE Parliamentary Resolution on Macroplastic and Nanoplastic Pollution
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Short welcome by Symposium Partner, Eirini Glyki, Science Professional Officer, ICES
“Are you feeding the plastic monster?”
Olav Lekve, Senior Communication Adviser, Norwegian Directorate of Fisheries
Lise M. Strömqvist, Communication Adviser, Norwegian Centre against Marine Litter
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- Link to project video
- Are you feeding the Plastic monster? (website)
10:30 - 11:00 AM
Coffee break
Location: Hörpuhorn
11:00 - 15:30 PM
Three parallel sessions on thematic discussions:
11:00 - 12:35 PM
THEME 1: Monitoring and assessment of plastic pollution in the Arctic
Location: Norðurljós
Moderator: Anne Katrine Normann, Centre for the Ocean and the Arctic, UiT Arctic University of Norway
Rapporteur: Ólafur Ástþórsson, former Deputy Director of the Marine Research Institute
11.00-11.20: Keynote speaker: Jennifer Provencher, Environment and Climate Change Canada
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11.20-11.35: Beach Litter Monitoring in the Arctic using drone and satellite imagery. Marc Schnuwara, BioConsult SH GmbH & Co. KG
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11.35-11.50: Floating microplastics in the Eurasian Arctic: spatial and temporal trends. Svetlana Pakhomova, Norwegian Institute for Water Research
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11.50-12.05: Reproducible pipelines and readiness levels in plastic monitoring. Amy Lusher, Norwegian Institute for Water Research (NIVA)
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12.05-12.20: First analysis of micro- and meso-plastic particles in sea-surface samples collected in Icelandic coastal waters. Belen Ovide, Ocean Missions
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12.20-12.35: Sentinels of plastic: Monitoring plastic pollution in the Sub-Arctic ecosystem using Icelandic fin whales as indicators. Valerie Chosson, Marine and Freshwater Research Institute
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11:00 - 12:35 PM
THEME 2: Methodological developments to determine macro, micro and nano plastics
Location: Silfurberg A
Moderator: Jóhann Sigurjónsson, former Director, Marine Research Institute
Rapporteur: Hrönn Egilsdóttir, Head of Environmental Division, Marine & Freshwater Research Institute
11.00-11.20: Keynote speaker: Amy Lusher, Norwegian Institute for Water Research (NIVA)
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11.20-11.35: Nanoplastics in Arctic' ecosystems: Myth or Reality? Julien Gigault, Takuvik (CNRS/Université Laval)
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11.35-11.50: Microplastic Pollution in Ny-Alesund, Svalbard. Yubo Li, Shanghai Municipal Engineering Design Institute (Group) Co., Ltd.
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11.50-12.05: A pan-Arctic Monitoring program for litter and microplastics. Jennifer Provencher, Environment and Climate Change Canada
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12.05-12.20: Marine litter pollution in Southern Spitsbergen – lessons learnt from 6 tonnes of litter picked up from 30 km of the coast. Adam Nawrot, forScience Foundation
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12.20-12.35: Differentiating between microplastics, algae and dissolved organic matter using single particle ICPTOFMS. Lyndsey Hendriks, TOFWERK
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11:00 - 12:35 PM
THEME 3: Sources and transport of plastic in the Arctic and sub-Arctic
Location: Silfurberg B
Moderator: Eirini Glyki, Science Professional Officer, ICES*
Rapporteur: Gunn-Britt Retter, Head of Arctic – and Environmental Unit, Saami Council.
11.00-11.20: Keynote speaker: Peter Murphy, NOAA MArine Debris Program (U.S.)
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11.20-11.35: Atmospheric Microplastic in the Arctic and the Norwegian mainland. Dorte Herzke, NILU & NIPH
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11.35-11.50: A plastic archive in Greenland: micro and nano particles in marine sediment. Karla Parga Martinez, University of Copenhagen
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11.50-12.05: Fishing nets on the coastline of the North Atlantic region - What is causing the issue and how can it be solved? Wouter-Jan Strietman, Wageningen Economic Research
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12.05-12.20: Vertical fluxes of microplastics and other anthropogenic particles measured using moored sediment traps in two Arctic glacial fjords (Svalbard archipelago). Andrea Paluselli, CNR-ISMAR
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12.20-12.35: Modeling influence of biogeochemical processes on the transport of microplastics in the Arctic Ocean. Anfisa Berezina, Norwegian Institute for Water Research NIVA
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12:35 - 13:30 AM
Location: Hörpuhorn
13:30 - 15:30 PM
THEME 1: Monitoring and assessment of plastic pollution in the Arctic (continued)
Location: Norðurljós
13.30-13.45: Implementing national monitoring of plastic pollution in Norway. Eivind Farmen, Miljødirektoratet
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13.45-14.00: Microplastic monitoring in the ice cover of a Finnish freshwater lake. Tuomo Soininen, University of Eastern Finland
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14.00-14.15 Monitoring the Presence, Abundance, and Identity of Micro- and Nano-plastics of Arctic and Beringian Foodwebs. Soren George-Nichol, University of Alaska Anchorage.
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14.15-14.30: Microplastics and plastic additives in salmonids from the central Canadian Arctic. Bonnie Hamilton, Environment and Climate Change Canada / University of Alberta
14.30-14.45 Indicators for plastic monitoring – linking the plastic value chain with environmental occurrence. Katrin Vorkamp, Aarhus University
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14:45-15:30: Panel discussions – outcomes from the presentations
Moderator: Anne Katrine Normann, Centre for the Ocean and the Arctic, UiT Arctic University of Norway
Jennifer Provencher, Environment and Climate Change Canada; Ólafur Ástþórsson, former Deputy Director of the Marine Research Institute; Matthew, Johnson, Volatus Aerospace; Emily Cowan, SINTEF Ocean
13:30 - 15:30 PM
THEME 2: Methodological developments to determine macro, micro and nano plastics (continued)
Location: Silfurberg A
13.30-13.45: Characterization of microplastics in surface waters from Great Slave Lake and the Mackenzie River, Northwest Territories. Madelaine Bourdages, Carleton University
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13.45-14.00: Marine beach litter in the Baltic Sea. Outcome from the HELCOM BLUES project. Eva Blidberg, Keep Sweden Tidy Foundation
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14.00-14.15 Uptake and accumulation of car tire rubber-related organic chemicals in blue mussels (Mytilus edulis). Kristin Galtung, Norwegian Institute for Water Research (NIVA)
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14.15-14.30: Production and analysis methods for pristine and degraded microplastic and nanoplastic reference materials. Andy Booth, SINTEF Ocean
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14.30-14.45 Challenges and opportunities regarding beach litter monitoring in Norway: Lessons learned from three different datasets. Marthe Larsen-Haarr, Salt Lofoten AS
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14:45- 15:30: Panel discussions - outcomes from the presentations
Moderator: Jóhann Sigurjónsson, former Director, Marine Research Institute
Amy Lusher, Norwegian Institute for Water Research (NIVA); Hrönn Egilsdóttir, Head of Environmental Division, Marine & Freshwater Research Institute; Charlotte Carrier-Belleau, Laval university and University College Dublin; Ryan d'Arcy Metcalfe, KIMO International.
13:30 - 15:30 PM
THEME 3: Sources and transport of plastic in the Arctic and sub-Arctic (continued)
Location: Silfurberg B
13.30-13.45: Atmospheric deposition-flux rates of microplastics particles recorded in Icelandic surface-lake sediments. Mathis Blache, University of Iceland
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13.45-14.00: Microplastic pollution in sediments around Svalbard, from sea-ice covered areas on the continental shelf to deep slope gullies. France Collard, Norwegian Institute for Water Research
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14.00-14.15: Microplastic concentrations and modelling of microplastic transport in the Baltic Sea and Arctic sea ice. Hermanni Kaartokallio, Finnish Environment Institute
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14.15-14.30: Evidence of highly local marine litter sources in an Arctic archipelago (Lofoten, Norway). Vilde Sørnes Solbakken, SALT Lofoten AS
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14.30-14.45: Marine litter on the seafloor around Iceland: Analyzing seafloor images from benthic habitat mapping in 2004-2019. Petrún Sigurðardóttir, Marine and Freshwater Research Institute
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14:45- 15:30: Panel discussions - outcomes from the presentations
Moderator: Eirini Glyki, Science Professional Officer, ICES
Peter Murphy, NOAA Marine Debris Program (U.S.); Gunn-Britt Retter, Head of Arctic – and Environmental Unit, Saami Council; Jake Thompson, University Centre of the Westfjords; Sydney Fox, Reykjavík University
15:30 - 16:00
Coffee Break
Location: Hörpuhorn
16:00 - 17:00
PLENARY: Main messages from THEMES 1, 2 AND 3
Location: Norðurljós
Messages from science to governments, industry, public and the global INC process
Theme 1: Presented by Anne Katrine Normann, Centre for the Ocean and the Arctic, UiT Arctic University of Norway.
Theme 2: Presented by Jóhann Sigurjónsson, former Director, Marine Research Institute.
Theme 3: Presented by Eirini Glyki, Science Professional Officer, ICES.
17:00 - 19:00
Reception hosted by the Icelandic Government, Minister of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries
Location: Hörpuhorn
08:30 - 12:30 AM
Three parallel sessions on thematic discussions:
08:30 - 10:05
THEME 4: Impacts of marine litter in the Arctic (environmental, economic and social)
Location: Norðurljós
Moderator: Kristian Jensen, Communications and Program Consultant, Lofotrådet
Rapporteur: Sigurrós Friðriksdóttir, Advisor, Environment Agency
08.30-08.50: Keynote speaker: Lisa Qiluqqi Koperqualuk, ICC Canada President
08.50-09.05: Development of a decision matrix for coastal litter clean-ups in Norway. Jannike Falk-Andersson, Norsk Institutt for Vannforskning
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09.05-09.20: Social perspectives on plastic pollution. Example from northern Norway. Christina Koch, Vårt Hav. Troms og Finnmark/ Naturvernforbundet i Finnmark
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09.20-09.35: Benthic organisms in Arctic ecosystems: presence and effects of nanoparticles in the context of single and multiple stressors. Charlotte Carrier-Belleau, Laval university and University College Dublin
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09.35-09.50: Plastic pollution in Norwegian coastal soils affect microbial diversity and soil gas composition. Gunhild Bødtker, NORCE
09.50-10.05: Characteristics of microplastic particles that influence atmospheric deposition in remote regions. Sydney Fox, Reykjavík University
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08:30 - 10:05
THEME 5: Arctic challenges and solutions for improved waste management
Location: Silfurberg A
Moderator: Sigurgeir Bárðarson, Attorney at Law, Fisheries Iceland
Rapporteur: Katrin Vorkamp, Department of Environmental Science, Aarhus University
08.30-08.50: Keynote speaker: Thomais Vlachogianni, Senior Policy & Programme Officer, MIO-ECSDE
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08.50-09.05: Microplastic in Gravity-driven Membrane Filtration for Cold Climate Decentralized Wastewater Treatment: Fouling Analysis and Water Quality Investigation, Selina Hube, University of Iceland - Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering
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09.05-09.20: Net cuttings waste from fishing: developing best practices in the fishing industry. Ryan d´Arcy Metcalfe, KIMO International
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09.20-09.35: Occurrence of microplastics in the subarctic waters near a wastewater treatment plant in Reykjavík, Iceland. Ásta Margrét Ásmundsdóttir, University of Akureyri, Iceland
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09.35-09.50: Novel bio-inspired alternatives to plastic packaging in Arctic fisheries. Philippe Amstislavski, University of Alaska Anchorage
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09.50-10.05: Plastics: From Wishcycling to Recycling. Audrey Matthews, University of Akureyri
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08:30 - 10:05
THEME 6: Tackling plastic pollution: international collaboration, policies, best practices and novel developments from around the world
Location: Silfurberg B
Moderator: Josephine Nymand, Head of Department, Greenland Institute of Natural Resources
Rapporteur: K. Sóley Bjarnadóttir, Advisor, Environment Agency of Iceland
08:30- 08:50: Keynote speaker: Sæunn Júlía Sigurjónsdóttir, the Nature
Conservation representative for the Young Environmentalists
08:50-09:05: FAO global efforts to prevent and reduce ALDFG. Haraldur Einarsson, Fishing Technology and operations team (NFIFO)/ Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
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09.00-09.20: A marine plastic cloud - Global oceanic plastic pollution mass balance in relation to the Arctic. Thomas Maes, GRID-Arendal/SEAMOHT
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09.20-09.35: Plastics in dental care clinics and growing concerns about the environmental impact, Ásbjörn Jokstad, UiT The Arctic University of Norway
09.35-09.50: The Arctic on a global scale: influence of Arctic States within the ongoing global plastic treaty negotiations, Emily Cowan, SINTEF Ocean
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09.50-10.05: Fighting Marine Litter in the Arctic: How to Engage Tourists, Julia Hager, mountain2ocean & PolarJournal
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10:05 - 10:30
Coffee Break
Location: Hörpuhorn
10:30 - 12:30
THEME 4: Impacts of marine litter in the Arctic (environmental, economic and social) (continued)
Location: Norðurljós
10.30-10.45: Educating Our Future Arctic Plastics Researchers. Matthew Johnson, Volatus Aerospace
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10.45-11.00: A spatiotemporal analysis of plastic ingestion in Canadian Arctic-breeding northern fulmars (Fulmarus glacialis). Kristine Hanifen, Acadia University
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11.00-11.15: Clean-up Norway Svalbard. Snorre Sklet, SALT
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11.15-1130: Including local voices in the marine debris conversation to advance environmental justice for island and coastal communities: Perspectives from St. Paul Island, Alaska. Douglas Causey, University of Alaska Anchorage
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11.30-11.45: Marine litter in the Arctic: Results from three years of citizen science, Malin Dahl, Keep Norway Beautiful
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11:45- 12:30: Panel discussions – outcomes from the presentations
Moderator: Kristian Jensen, Communications and Program Consultant, Lofotrådet
Lisa Qiluqqi Koperqualuk, ICC Canada President; Sigurrós Friðriksdóttir, Advisor, Environment Agency; Bonnie Hamilton, University of Alberta; Andy Booth, SINTEF Ocean.
10:30 - 12:30
THEME 5: Arctic challenges and solutions for improved waste management (continued)
Location: Silfurberg A
10.30-10.45: Marine Debris from Wastewater Outfalls. Jake Thompson, University Centre of the Westfjords
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10.45-11.00: Blurred interface: How lack of coordination between governance levels obstructs waste management in fishing harbors. The case of Tromsø. Anne Katrine Normann, Center for the Ocean and the Arctic, UiT
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11.00-11.15: Creative Solutions for Marine Debris Prevention in the Arctic. Veronica Padula, Aleut Community of St. Paul Island Tribal Government and Seattle Aquarium
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11.15-11.30: Bringing value to marine waste. Øistein Aleksandersen, Nofir
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11.30-11.45: Climate Change and Plastic Pollution – Similar Needs for Systemic Changes. Jakob Bonnevie Cyvin, Norwegian University of Technology and Science (NTNU).
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11:45- 12:30: Panel discussions – outcomes from the presentations
Moderator: Sigurgeir Bárðarson, Attorney at Law, Fisheries Iceland
Thomais Vlachogianni, Senior Policy & Programme Officer, MIO-ECSDE; Katrin Vorkamp, Department of Environmental Science, Aarhus University; Lyndsey Hendriks, TOFWERK; Wouter-Jan Strietman, Wageningen Economic Research
10:30 - 12:30
THEME 6: Tackling plastic pollution: international collaboration, policies, best practices and novel developments from around the world (continued)
Location: Silfurberg B
10.30-10.45: Raising Awareness of Marine Litter and Engaging International Partners through the Arctic Cleanup, Kristina Tirman, Ocean Conservancy
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10.45-11.00: Clean Up Iceland: The Expedition cruise industry’s efforts to clean Icelandic shorelines, Gyða Guðmundsdóttir, Association of Arctic Expedition Cruise Operators (AECO)
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11.00-11.15: Developing a solid policy framework for plastic pollution and waste management in the Arctic through multi-stakeholder co-creation - Implications for national and international policymakers and Indigenous groups, Dimitris Symeonidis, Afforest4Future
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11.15-1130: Experience and challenges through development of Rent Hav – a digital tool for mapping marine litter. Eirik Okkenhaug, The Norwegian Center against Marine Litter
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11.30-11.45: “Valuation of nature” as a tool to reduce (the impact of) plastic pollution. Gunn-Britt Retter, Saami Council
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11:45- 12:30: Panel discussions – outcomes from the presentations
Moderator: Josephine Nymand, Head of Department, Greenland Institute of Natural Resources
Sæunn Júlía Sigurjónsdóttir, the Nature Conservation representative for the Young Environmentalists; K. Sóley Bjarnadóttir, Advisor, Environment Agency of Iceland; Vilde Sørnes Solbakken, SALT Lofoten AS; Madelaine Bourdage, Carleton University
12:30 - 12:35
Family photo
Location: Staircase outside Norðurljós
12:35 - 13:30
Location: Hörpuhorn
13:30 - 14:30
PLENARY: Main Messages from THEMES 4, 5 AND 6
Location: Norðurljós
Messages from science to governments, industry, public and the global INC process
Theme 4: Presented by Kristian Jensen, Communications and Program Consultant, Lofotrådet
Theme 5: Presented by Sigurgeir Bárðarson, Attorney at Law, Fisheries Iceland
Theme 6: Presented by Josephine Nymand, Head of Department, Greenland Institute of Natural Resources
14:30 - 15:15
PLENARY PANEL I: Conserving the Arctic
Location: Norðurljós
Moderator: Thomas Maes, GRID-Arendal
- Georg Hanke, European Commission, Joint Research Centre
- Eva Kruemmel, ICC Canada
- Susana Hancock, APECS
- Árni Finnsson, Icelandic Environment Association
15:15 - 15:45
Coffee Break
Location: Hörpuhorn
15:45 - 16:30
PLENARY PANEL II: From Local to Global Actions
Location: Norðurljós
Moderator: Hrönn Jörundsdóttir, Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority
- Todd Gouvin, TG Environmental
- Peter Murphy, NOAA Marine Debris Program (U.S.)
- Georg Haney, Environmental Manager, Hampiðjan Group
- Lauren Divine, Director, Ecosystem Conservation Office
16:30 - 17:15
PLENARY PANEL III: Innovative Plastic Pollution Reduction
Location: Norðurljós
Moderator: Magnús Jóhannesson, Former Director Arctic Council Secretariat, Chair, Scientific Steering Committee
- Hlöðver Stefán Þorgeirsson, Waste Water R&D Lead, Water Supply and Wastewater
- Elin Bergman, Chair of Cradlenet
- Heiðrún Lind Marteinsdóttir, Manager, Fisheries Iceland
- Robert B. Larsen, UiT Norway
17:45 - 18:00
Symposium Closing Remarks
Prime Minister of Iceland, Ms. Katrín Jakobsdóttir
17:15 - 17:45
Ministerial Discussion
Location: Norðurljós
Moderator: Jóhanna Vilhjálmsdóttir, writer, radio host and former TV reporter
Guðlaugur Þór Þórðarson, Minister of the Environment, Energy and Climate
Malcolm Noonan, Minister of State, Housing and Local Government, Ireland