Poster Session

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Name Surname Poster Identification Number
Aðalsteinn Snæþórsson Plastic ingestion by Northern Fulmar in Iceland   34
Andrea Thormar Blue Circular Nets - Supporting collection, treatment and recycling of EOL fishing gear 37
Andy Booth Uptake of organic contaminants from car tire microplastics in Arctic marine species 40
Andy Booth Tire wear particles and their associated chemicals – concentrations and consequences in the Arctic and Sub-Arctic European environment                                              41
Belén García Ovide Combining citizen science with micro- and macro-plastic research in Iceland 17
Bjørn Einar Grøsvik Assessment of marine litter and microplastics in the Norwegian part of the Barents Sea 35
Bonnie Hamilton Microplastics and Other Anthropogenic Particles in Northern Canadian Snow: Occurrence, Distribution, and Characterization by μ-FTIR 2
Bonnie Hamilton Plastics as a carrier of chemical additives to the Arctic: Possibilities for strategic monitoring across the circumpolar North 5
Bonnie Hamilton Microplastic as a long-range transporter of chemical additives to the Canadian Arctic 6
Carmen Rizzo Plastics detection in the sediments from the sub-Arctic Pasvik River (Norway) 43
Carmen Rizzo Plastic ingested by the Arctic freshwater fish Thymallus thymallus (Linnaeus, 1758) from the Teno River (Finland) 44
Carmen Rizzo Characterization of the bacterial communities associated with plastic litter occurring in a freshwater pond of the High Arctic (Goose Pond, Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard Islands) 45
Carolin Philipp Local pollution in Svalbard - Whereabouts of anthropogenic particles in an Arctic fjord system 22
Dee Barker Ongoing Contamination Control to Reduce Microplastics Interferences and to Reliably and Validly Substantiate Findings in Alaskan Drinking Water Sources 28
Dipak Sapkale Effect of different polymer microplastics on freshwater snails 11
Eirin Husabø Rivers as a plastic pollution pathway in the Arctic Ocean 20
Eirini Glyki Third International Conference on Ecosystem Approach to Management in the Arctic Large Marine Ecosystems
Managing Marine Ecosystems in a Rapidly Warming Arctic
Emma LeFors Establishing an Environmental Control for Microplastic Contamination 13
Holly Solloway Marine litter as a vector for fouling species in the southwest, westfjords, and northeast regions of Iceland 24
Jaffer Yousuf Dar Tire Wear Particles as Vectors for Antibiotic Resistance Gene Transfer in the Aquatic Environment 33
Jakob Strand Plastic in stomach contents of northern fulmars from West and East Greenland 3
Jakob Strand Shoreline litter monitoring litter surveys in Greenland in the period 2016 – 2022 4
Jakob Strand Weathering experiments with plastic under Arctic conditions 7
Jakob Cyvin A novel method for sampling of plastic-infiltrated coastal soil and quantification of microplastic in vertical leakage  29
Jannike Falk-Andersson Development of a decision matrix for coastal litter clean-ups in Norway 25
Johanna Franke Transforming beach cleanup practices: From best praactices to institutional change 16
Katrín Sóley Bjarnadóttir The Icelandic coastal cleanup project 15
Katrín Sóley Bjarnadóttir OSPAR’s monitoring and assessment of marine litter in Iceland 27
Kit Cunningham A Comparison in Local Marine Debris and Microplastics; Gasḵúu/Forrester Island Complex, Alaska 39
Leilei Zou Management of Arctic Marine Microplastic Pollution 32
Lis Bach Wet wipes discharged by wastewater as a contribution to plastic pollution in the Arctic 9
Magdalena Muir Prescriptive and voluntary approaches for the regulation and minimization of microplastics in the Arctic and Sub-Arctic, based on global models and experiences 26
Maria Pogojeva Floating macro litter monitoring in the Arctic 31
Mark Maddox Plastic ingestion in thick-billed murres (Uria lomvia) from the high Canadian Arctic 23
Samuel Stevens Microplastic Contamination In Alaskan Drinking Water 12
Sophia Mützel Up in the Clouds: Seasonal dynamics of airborne microplastic deposition in high altitudes 8
Valerie Chosson First Risso’s dolphins in Iceland. Far away from home to meet your fate. 10
Vilde Sørnes Solbakken Investigating litter movement patterns using GPS trackers: challenges and opportunities during Arctic winter 36
Vilde Sørnes Solbakken Spatiotemporal variation in deposition, residence time and lateral movements of beach litter: implications for monitoring 38